Just Another Day?
It's was just another day in the office. I had nothing planned on the calander except two appointments in the morning, which had already come and gone. Jeff, my boss, and I were just hanging out. He was giving me a hard time about going and getting me some post-its. That he wasn't even going to buy the plain yellow ones, b/c I would just not have it. And that I would have been proud of them when he finally found a multi-colored pack, But he figured that I'd just use the pink ones and give the rest to John, and say, "Looks like I'm out already. Better get some more!"
All that aside, I get a phone call, that went something like this:
Me: Southdale Square Apartments
Caller: Um, you might want to get down here. A CAR has just ran into the side of my fence!
Me: Uh.....okay. What's your address?
So Jeff and I venture down there, and what do we see:

Is this bad?

This isn't normal, is it?

I am in so much trouble, I don't even have a license, and this is NOT my car!

Needless to say, it ended up NOT being "Just Another Day"