Ode to First National

I was offered a job being a Property Manager....pays more, best boss ever, don't have to be here in this HOLE and I basically get to hang out
The following are things that I will NOT miss:
Mr. Gaule…...everything about him
Mr. Vhoorhees & his chomping of gum
Mr. Buda & his obsession with me
Mr. Jones….. getting his balance
Mr. Janda & his shnanaigans
Mr. Clarke & his casheirs checks
Mr. Platt, when he comes in at like 5:57pm with 4 bags of coin
Mr. Gardner & weirdness
Mr. Roberston (from robertson cycle) coming in at 6:58pm
Mr. Incontro and his same question "do you guys take cox and aquila"
Mr & Mrs Carter
Mrs. Wallace in the DT in the AM getting 1 20, 10's 5's & some 1's……alllright
Mrs. wallace in the lobby 2 hours later
Miss Fitel & her utility payments
Miss Fix…being LOUD & wanting 30 copies of something on a busy payday-Friday
All of Jay's gay bags
All BK Deposits
All of Little Kings' COIN deposits
Mrs. Wallace…in the lobby 3 hours later
Mary Sortino...The lady who drops of IDEAL, who "just wants to leave that"
Anyone who says "LORIE KNOWS ME"
Not being able to drink or eat in your teller window
Being the Community coin vault
filling change orders
running coin
People being in my business all the time "what are you talking about?" "what's going on now?"
Customers waiting to get $20 cash out from their account, at 7:00am…Just waiting there
Anything & Everything that the beast does or has to do with.
Her in General (the beast)
Bree, and everything about her
The phone ringing & ringing, and NO ONE answering it
Peg, our admins kids calling 20 times a day
All the $h!t that some people talk
Looking through proof work
ordering research
"Turning on the lobby light"
People just walking right up to your window, when you're not in it, or when you're doing something "HENCE THE *Please wait for next availible teller* Sign"
I will however miss:
~watching the shopko carts roll across the parking lot and into the busy street on a windy day
~holding $100 thousand dollars in my hands
~making funny noises in the microphone
*whenever you say ANYTHING in the microphone, it total tripples its funniness
~having 5 cars deep in each lane on a busy Friday, and a RUSH song comes on the radio, instantly making it a GREAT next 5 minutes
~telling old people to "KEEP IT REAL" when I'm done helping them