japanese girl

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

911 Ave O

I miss my old address
I love my apartment
but I miss this house

There was never a dull moment

From getting woken up at 2am from Lem throwing Jake down the stairs for running away
To coming home from work and seeing a pig having all the fat cut off it

or Lem throwing a dog bone on my bed so Jake would jump on it and wake me up
and seeing that Jake Dawg took down the blinds in the living room

It was the best house ever
and I miss it

Thursday, March 22, 2007


Once again the computer at work took a dive.
I told my boss we should call the "Geek Squad"

So, yesterday at 5:45pm Kyle came to fix the computer.
45min after I'm usually leaving mind you

2 1/2 hours after that, Kyle had restored everything
minus getting the internet to work

Today, my boss comes & tries to get on the internet, and MAGICALLY
it works....I think Kyle was almost worthless!!

We would have been better off with this kid:

So, after a good $244.66 that we paid kyle
we're paying someone else tomorrow

wish us luck!

Monday, March 19, 2007

Happy 21st Birthday

I have been dreading this day, for the past 19 days.
Actually, for the past 2 months. I think that I have felt every emotion humanly possilbe.

Sometimes I just get tired of always being the "strong" one.
Somedays, I just want to be sad.
Sometimes its just hard to put on that face of "everything's fine"

I try really hard to just think of the Funny Times we had

* Going to McDonalds after church b/c you Loved the French Fries
* Calling me just to tell me something funny
* Wearing slippers to church
* Telling me that you have wet arm-pits!
* When we were little, and you wanted to ride down the big hill at Platte River State Park, like my & Lynz. And you biffed it & had to get stiches
* Swimming at Grandpa's all day
* Being so filled with God's love, that it just pours out of you

Yes, I know that it was her time, that September night when God called her home.
And Yes, I know that she is in fact in Heaven
And Yes, it still sucks some days.
Just some days, more than others...

But life does go on. And I have to go with it.

Happy Birthday Moo!

Bye My Cousin
Love You
Be Safe
Wear Seatbelts

Friday, March 02, 2007

Scrabble Anyone?

We somehow manage to only go to my cousin's house, when the abominal snowman is having a party outside! We went there for New Years Eve, and Im sure you recall how pleasant it was out. Last weekend, we were on our way over there, and it was like deja vu.

We joke about only being able to go there when mother nature is at her worst.

Minus dreading the drive home, we did manage to have a few laughs

This is what I had to work with!

This was my big-fat-winner of a word!