I have been dreading this day, for the past 19 days.
Actually, for the past 2 months. I think that I have felt every emotion humanly possilbe.
Sometimes I just get tired of always being the "strong" one.
Somedays, I just want to be sad.
Sometimes its just hard to put on that face of "everything's fine"
I try really hard to just think of the Funny Times we had
* Going to McDonalds after church b/c you Loved the French Fries
* Calling me just to tell me something funny
* Wearing slippers to church
* Telling me that you have wet arm-pits!
* When we were little, and you wanted to ride down the big hill at Platte River State Park, like my & Lynz. And you biffed it & had to get stiches
* Swimming at Grandpa's all day
* Being so filled with God's love, that it just pours out of you
Yes, I know that it was her time, that September night when God called her home.
And Yes, I know that she is in fact in Heaven
And Yes, it still sucks some days.
Just some days, more than others...
But life does go on. And I have to go with it.

Happy Birthday Moo!
Bye My Cousin
Love You
Be Safe
Wear Seatbelts