japanese girl

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

What Is The Point of Being FAKE?

I take pride in being someone who is not "Fake." I honestly don't think that the way I act is "Fake." And if I was, I would hope that one of my Friends, would call me out on it. Or, not be my friend at all. I also would like to think that I don't hang out with "Fake" people. I don't see the point in being a "Fake" person. To make people like you?? What?? No, that just makes you an even bigger loser. I just don't get it. I've never been a fan of "Fake" people, but it has just recently played a bigger part of my daily life, at my el-job-o. I've been the bigger person about it, espcially since I'm in management. But you know what, screw that....Especially after this weekend, it just opened my eyes... So, I have decieded to just totally be "Myself." And if I feel like talking to you, then I will. Otherwise if I don't, hopefully you get the hint.


Blogger Heather B said...

a woman after my own heart ...


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